Exit the Status Quo:

10 Practices for Breaking Through Your Career (and Life) Plateau And Finding Real Meaning.

There is so much going on in our world right now. So, if you are feeling stressed, stretched, burned out or even just stuck- you are not alone. All of us are operating in a changed new world and nobody’s got the roadmap totally figured out.


As challenging as these times may be, you still have an opportunity as a human being, global citizen, and societal steward to think long and hard about what you want to model and about the kind of contributor you want to be in the face of chaos and sustained uncertainty.

Exit The Status Quo is for those willing to step outside the box, to think critically and independently, and engage in real time authentically and courageously as it pertains to their life and career. Exiting is about learning to listen deeply and honor the truth of what you hear-even when it's not what you want to hear. It’s about recognizing that every challenge will always be an opportunity to do better and be better on behalf of the things that really matter to you and those you serve.

The 10 habits and corresponding practices we’ve designed supports a grounding and clarifying process that will enable you to step back, check in, and gain new perspective about who you are, the challenge(s) you face, and what really matters to you as you consider your way forward.


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My mission is to give you the tools you need to BE your most authentic self in service to your highest contribution


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Move The Crowd
White Awakening


The Calling
Born To Shine


The 7-Figure Secret
Your Emancipation Plan
Exit The Status Quo